It starts with our community

  • Donation Donating to Mbombela SPCA

    We care deeply about the welfare of animals. Our recent donation to the Mbombela SPCA aims to assist in providing food and shelter for abandoned animals.

  • Clean Up Cleaning up Madiba Park

    Our team took charge of cleaning up Madiba Park in Steiltes, ensuring the park remains a beautiful and safe place for all community members to enjoy.

  • CANSA Helping to Overcome Cancer

    We are proud to support CANSA and their efforts in the fight against cancer. Our partnership and donation during their golf day contribute to this vital cause.

  • Mother's Day Honoring Mothers

    On Mother's Day, we set out to assist underprivileged mothers, acknowledging the crucial role they play in building strong communities. Strong mothers build stronger communities.

  • Mother's Day Celebrating Strong Mothers

    We celebrated Mother's Day by supporting mothers in need, recognizing their vital contribution to our community's strength and well-being.

  • Mother's Day Supporting Mothers

    On Mother's Day, our initiative focused on supporting and empowering mothers, helping to create a foundation for healthier and happier communities.

24 Hour Emergency